Question: I am having a problem entering my league's scoring system into your format.

The problem is in one specific area:  Rushing, Receiving, Passing Combo.
More specifically points 5, 6 & 7.   

For example:  5. Rushing + Receiving + Passing Yards.  Then we enter in how many yards equals a point.

The problem here is that in my league Rushing, Receiving and Passing yards are weighted differently. For every 16 yards rushing, 1 point is awarded; receiving 21 yds = 1pt.; passing 49yds. = 1pt.  So there is no way  for me to enter an accurate number in your system for #'s 5, 6 and 7.  All of which deal with total yards gained through various ways.  I hope you know what I'm talking about and I hope you can offer me a solution.

Answer: In this case, rather than using the "combined yardage" to grade your players...  use the Passing Section, the Rushing Section and the Receiving Section separately. And, just leave the "combo" section alone.

This way, you could put in your exact points for each type of yardage.

Example: For every 16 yards rushing, 1 point is awarded; receiving 21 yds = 1pt.; passing 49yds. = 1pt. Also, don't use the range option, use the points per stat field.

HINT: Also, you can use LeagueSync to do sensitivity analysis. If player-A ranks #8 and player-B is #9, don't assume player-A is ALWAYS the clear pick! If you do "rules sensitivity analysis" and if player-B always stays around #9 while player-A jumps from #5 to #16 you might prefer player-B (assuming your looking for a steady pick). But, if you're looking for a big risk/big reward player, the analysis clearly suggests player-A.


For more on consistency, also see: